
Showing posts from January, 2020

Burt's Demise

Burt sat in his Pontiac fire bird while the music drowned out the hoots of owls and screams of coyotes. Sitting in his car he gazed out upon the endless concrete desert of the World Mart parking lot. This was once a grassland where bison grazed alongside prairie dogs and wolves, now it was nothing but corn and soybeans for miles in every direction. Here he was in the unending stillness with only two other cars in sight He felt a little guilty for leaving Janine and George to watch the store by themselves, but no one was stopping them from just leaving. “Besides,” Burt thought, “George would probably appreciate the time along with her. He was constantly drooling over her with this strange, hungry look in his eyes”. If Burt didn't know better, he would have thought of George as the Hannibal Lecter type. There came a tapping at the window, jolting Burt out of his thoughts. He could barely see through the smoke in the car, but there appeared to be a stout, lumbering figure standing...